Security Implications
for Greece and the Region

King George, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Athens
The war in Ukraine has had a profound impact on European security, and Greece is no exception. At the same time, Hamas’s brutal attack on Israel and the ensuing response by the Israeli government has turned what was an already tense global security situation into a geopolitical powder keg, with yet unpredictable repercussions for the future, including real concerns about the potential for a wider conflict.
Greece's location on the southeastern flank of NATO makes it particularly vulnerable to these threats. The country’s geopolitical position, as a country with historic ties with the Palestinians and at the same time a strong ally of Israel, highlights Greece’s critical role in maintaining regional stability. Greece remains the only EU Member State of the Western Balkans and one of the few NATO Member States in the region.
This project will examine the security implications of the war in Ukraine for Greece and the Middle East. It will focus on the following key areas:
● The impact of the wars and conflicts on the regional balance of power
● Greece’s role as mediator for stability in the region by leveraging its position in both NATO and the EU
● New security concerns like cyberattacks and other forms of hybrid warfare (disinformation)
● The challenges of managing refugee flows
● The potential for new conflicts in the region